Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR 1
Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR    1

A Genealogy of the World's Highest Resolution Lenses

A Genealogy of the World's Highest Resolution Lenses

Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR lenses were developed in 1960s by Nikon (then Nippon Kogaku K.K.) especially for use in the production of transistors and ICs. They evolved into projection lenses for semiconductor lithography systems, considered "the most precise equipment in history", and contribute greatly to the semiconductor industry.

About 40 lenses are on display in this exhibition, including Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR lenses, their forerunners the Printing NIKKOR lenses, and projection lenses for semiconductor lithography systems, illustrating the progress and evolution of such lenses.

You can get the large size image by clicking on the following photographs.

Projection Lens for the NSR-S306C Semiconductor Lithography System, 2001

Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR 30mm F1.2
No. 301274, 1964

Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR Historical Family Trees

Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR Historical Family Trees

What is the Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR


In 1961, Nikon started developing a high-resolution lens at the request of printing companies and electrical manufacturers. This lens was used in the production of photomasks for semiconductor manufacturing. As a result of Nikon receiving a large number of orders for this lens from overseas as well as Japanese manufacturers, a series of ultra high-resolution lenses were developed named "Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR", which eventually dominated the world market.
By limiting the wavelength of the light source, these lenses realized high resolution with superior chromatic aberration correction capability.

Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR 12mm F1.2 Prototype, 1972

Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR Prototype 28mm F1.5 and 28mm F1.7, 1972

Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR 22mm F1.5 Prototype, 1973

Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR 58mm F1.8 Prototype

Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR 28mm F1.8, 1967

Nikon 1 J5 and UMN 28mm F1.8

Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR 50mm F1.8 for h-line and e-line, 1969

Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR 165mm F4 and 12mm F1.2 Prototype, 1970

Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR 12mm F1.2 Prototype, 1970

Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR 105mm F2.8 (1962) and 125mm F2.8 Prototype (1965)

Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR 55mm F2 and 155mm F4 Prototype, 1965

Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR 155mm F4, 1966

Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR 155mm F4, 1966

Very Rare e-line Filter 72mm and 40.5mm

Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR 105mm F2.8, 1962

Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR 125mm F2.8 Prototype, 1965

Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR 135mm F4 for g-line Prototype, 1968

Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR 55mm F2 for h-line, 1965

Ultra-Micro-NIKKOR 28mm F1.8, 1967

Professor Dr. Zyun Koana's Micro Dot, 1964

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Chapter 0      Top Page
Chapter 1      Ultra Micro Nikkor Museum
Chapter 2      Reduction Projection Lenses
Chapter 3      Devices and Semiconductors


Copyright Michio Akiyama, Tokyo Japan 2018, 2023