Abbey at Melk
VIENNA 2006 Bill Kraus's Vienna Impression Bill Kraus's Impression Hi Akiyama-san Here are some pictures from our trip. I hope you can receive this many pictures. They are probably not as good as the ones taken by Mr. Ohtsu, but I hope you can use some for the Red Book report. I have sent some pictures and descriptions of the NHS tour on May 18 for your report.
With best regards, NHS tour May 18, 2006 Bus to Benedictine Abbey at Melk. Boat ride on Donau River to medieval town of Durnstein. Bus back to Vienna and dinner at Museum of Fine Arts.
Entrance to Abbey
Map of Abbey and town
Library of Abbey, books from 9th century
Walking town of Melk: Martin, Millham, Dorothy Kraus
Lunch on boat: Martin, M/M Brody, Stines, Millham
Boat arriving at Dürnstein
Art Museum
Lobby of Museum Auction previewing and Convention day
Hans Ploegmakers, Tony and Joy Hurst
J-L Princelle (Soviet book), Bill and Dot Kraus
Yuki Kawai, Charles Barringer (Zeiss book), Bill Kraus,
World famous Vienna dancing horses
Bill Kraus talk on "Impact of Ebay"
Rotoloni, and meeting Chairmen Uli Koch, Hans Ploegmakers Visiting Dietmar Machold's Castle
Dietmar Machold inviting group to see his collection
Dietmar Machold
Group visiting Dietmar Machold's Castle
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Copyright Michio Akiyama, Tokyo Japan 2006, 2022