German Gently Landsape in Weinheim
Gently Science Heart From Weinheim I would like to introduce Dr. Klaus D. Schmitt to you. He is a great collector with the world highend macro lenses. Also, he is exploring the deep sea of super high resolution Nikkor lenses. However, he is not only a collector but also a photographer. There is a message from him as follows.
Picnic with Macro Nikkor Lenses
My Way to the Macro Nikkors Some months ago I got in contact with a lens collector who actually focused on macro lenses. I learned from him, that in the 70es Nikon produced a very fine photomacro system - the "Multiphot". I also heard about some special macro lenses I never had heard of before - the Macro Nikkors.
I looked around, talked to a lot of people and finally found some very fine pieces,
also with the help of a very friendly Nikon engineer,
who found one for me sitting around in some dark corner.
Now I am the very proud owner of a complete set of Macro Nikkors and the results are spectacular!
Dr Klaus D. Schmitt
All Star of Supreme Macro Nikkor Lenses
My Macro Nikkor "Work Horses" My Macro Nikkors serve me as my "work horses" when I take images of some old macro lenses I collect as a hobby, to put them up on my internet site http://www.macrolenses.de/.
I also do lens cleaning from time to time,
where some high magnification of lens surfaces are needed.
Before, while and after that process,
I monitor the results of that procedure taking high-resolution images
of the lens surfaces with strong fiber optic side lighting.
Dr Klaus D. Schmitt
Macro Nikkor Meets the Sound of Flower
500 Euro Hologram
Macro Nikkor 35mm F4.5 Fine Work
German Blue Sky
Special thanks to Dr. Klaus D. Schmitt.
Copyright Michio Akiyama, Tokyo Japan 2003, 2024 |