February 2006, Nikon Kenkyukai
February 2006, Nikon Kenkyukai

New Zeiss meets the old Nikkor

February 22, 2006
February 25, 2006
Nikon Kenkyukai Tokyo Meeting
Matsuya Show Ginza

Ginza Tokyo

Camera fans all over the world gathered in Ginza Tokyo. The show was held on the top floor of the Matsuya department store. I want to introduce the opening and Saturday meeting to you.

Matsuya Ginza

The Matsuya Show

The Matsuya show is the 28th this year. The hall was crowded with classic camera fan from old times and people who came to like classic camera recently.

You can view the detailed   →   The Matsuya Show report

Matsuya Show, Nikon and Nikon

Nikon Kenkyukai Matsuya meeting

The Nikon Kenkyukai held the meeting according to the Matsuya show on the opening of February 22 and Saturday of February 25.

The Matsuya lent the conference room for the Nikon Kenkyukai. Special thank you Matsuya.

Tokyo Meeting at Matsuya Ginza

The opening of February 22

The Matsuya's conference room was full of many Nikon enthusiasts. Peter Coeln-san and Mayumi Kobayashi-san also joined the meeting. He explained "the 10th NHS Convention in Vienna" held in May 2006.

Today's main theme was the Nikon I super study. We saw the Nikon I camera on the table and discussed it.

Saturday of February 25

The Nikon Kenkyukai member who was not able to participate at the opening day gathered on Saturday. We talked about the beautiful cameras and lenses. His Epson R-D1 camera has mounted Nikkor 5cm F1.1 high speed lens. There was an unusual Prominar 200mm F2.8 on the table, too.

Epson R-D1 and Nikkor 5cm F1.1

Prominar 200mm F2.8 and Nikon D70

Nippon Kogaku's Nikkor 8.5cm F2

Old Nikkor meets the new Zeiss

A happy meeting continued while drinking coffee. We enjoyed the topic of a new Zeiss camera and Zeiss Nikon lenses. Old Nikkor 5cm F1.5 meets the new Zeiss camera very much. And the Zeiss Nikon Planar 50mm F1.4 and 85mm F1.4 lenses are also wonderful.

Zeiss and Nikon Kenkyukai

Zeiss Nikon Planar 50mm F1.4 and 85mm F1.4

Old Nikkor meets the new Zeiss

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Copyright Michio Akiyama, Tokyo Japan 2006, 2022