August 2010, Nikon Kenkyukai 2
August 2010, Nikon Kenkyukai     2

Leica Shop Vienna

Leica Shop in Tokyo

The Leica Shop came to Tokyo from Vienna this year. Members of the Nikon Kenkyukai visited the Leica Shop Tokyo in the Takashimaya Show.

Elmar 50mm F2.8

Canon 50mm F0.95

Nikon S3 Olympic

Mountain Elmar 10.6cm F6.3

Kaeru Nakayama

Kaeru Nakayama

Kaeru Nakayama is a temporary manager at the Leica shop in Tokyo during the Takashimaya camera show. Kaeru Nakayama is not only a very famous manga artist, but also a well-known motorsport journalist in Japan.

Kaeru Nakayama and his Nikon F2 Titan

"Do you have a good Nikon camera?" asked Michio Akiyama. "This one is great! I love it!" replied Kaeru Nakayama. Yes, it is Nikon S2 original black painted. And nice price!

Nikon S2 Black

Very Vintage Nikon S2 Black

Negotiating on the Price

Kaeru Nakayama and Koyama-san

Leica MP 2,7000,000 YEN

Leica KE-7A 1,9000,000 YEN

Very Good Leica Cameras

Fujii Cameras Inc., World Camera's Shop

Members of the Nikon Kenkyukai visited the very vintage camera shop in the Takashimaya Show. Yes, the World Camera's Shop of Fujii Cameras from Osaka.

Very Vintage Canon Cameras

"Do you have a great vintage camera?" asked Michio Akiyama. "They are very vintage! I love them!" replied Hiromi Fujii. As you know, Hiromi Fujii, a director of Fujii Cameras Inc., is a specialist in old Japanese vintage cameras. Yes, they are great Seiki Canon camera and great Hansa Canon camera. They are super vintage very beautiful cameras.

Open the Case

Great Seiki Canon Camera


Next is Hansa Canon

Grand Hansa Canon Camera

A Happy Beer Party

Members of the Nikon Kenkyukai enjoyed the beer party at the Summer Restaurant. Wind of summer. We are happy when there is cold beer, wine and delicious sausages. It was a very happy time at the end of summer in Tokyo.

Tokyo Meeting in End of Summer

Nikon S2 Black with Zunow 5cm F1.3 Lens

Nikon S2 Black with Zunow 5cm F1.3 Lens

A Happy Beer Summer Day

Special Thank you to:

Leica Shop, Vienna Austria
Fujii Cameras Inc., World Camera's Shop, Osaka Japan

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Chapter 2      Summer Meeting

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Copyright Michio Akiyama, Tokyo Japan 2010, 2024