May 2009, Nikon Kenkyukai
May 2009, Nikon Kenkyukai

Tokyo Kyobashi MEIDI-YA in May

May 16, 2009
Nikon Kenkyukai Tokyo Meeting
Encyclopedia of
Micro Nikkor Lenses
Vintage Specialties

Tokyo Meeting Micro Nikkor Special

Encyclopedia of Micro Nikkor Lenses

The Nikon Kenkyukai Tokyo in May held the Micro Nikkor special research. In the starting session, we saw the Micro Nikkor lenses for latest digital SLR Nikon.

Nikon D3X and Micro Nikkor Lenses

PC Micro Nikkor 85mm F2.8 D

AI AF Micro Nikkor 105mm F2.8 D

AF-S Micro Nikkor 105mm F2.8 G IF-ED

AI AF Zoom Micro Nikkor ED 70mm - 180mm F4.5 - F5.6 D

AI AF Micro Nikkor 200mm F4 IF-ED

Very Nice D3X and Micro Nikkor Lenses

Old Nikkor Lenses

In the next session, we saw the old Micro Nikkor lenses for SLR Nikon. Those lenses were all beautiful.

Micro Nikkor Auto 55mm F3.5 Lenses

Ultra Micro Nikkor and Special Nikkor Lenses

Bellows Nikkor Lenses

S Mount and F Mount of 13.5cm F4 Lenses

Very Beautiful Lenses on the Collection Table

Very Old Micro Nikkor Lenses

Very Old Micro Nikkor 5.5cm F3.5

Vintage Micro Nikkor Lenses

In the ending session, we saw the vintage Micro Nikkor 5cm F3.5 lenses for Nikon S. Those lenses were all gorgeous and beautiful.

Vintage Micro Nikkor 5cm F3.5 (Left: L Mount, Right: S Mount)

Nikkor 3.5cm Food Very Fit for Micro Nikkor

Vintage Micro Nikkor for Your Nikon

COM-Nikkor 37mm F1.4 for Your Nikon

Tiny Beautiful Micro Nikkor

Yes, Our Old Friend, Macro-Elmarit

Nikon Senbei

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Copyright Michio Akiyama, Tokyo Japan 2009, 2023